Education and Training


First and second years experiences at a glance:

  • Boot camp
  • Introductory research presentation
  • Leveling courses
  • Bi-weekly meetings
  • Development of communication skills
  • Enhance teamwork skills 
  • Ethics and Philosophy training 
  • Summer experience
  • Maintain a journal 
  • Coursework between two tracks 
  • Seminar course
  • Practices in organizing research projects
  • Practices in planning literature review
  • Development of research methods 
  • Workshops in entrepreneurship 
  • Learn evidence-based practices
  • Summer internship
  • Conversations with assigned mentors

In depth:

  1. Week-long boot camp for newly admitted scholars
  2. Introductory research presentation from AI and ALA researchers
  3. Leveling courses, aimed at building basic competency and knowledge of terminology in a secondary area
  4. Bi-weekly meetings between leadership and scholars to discuss the experiences
  5. Development of strong communication skills
  6. Enhance teamwork skills (leadership, inclusivity, accountability, conflict resolution)
  7. Ethics and Philosophy training (complete IRB certification, and draw from case studies)
  8. Summer experience- visit different labs and Ag science centers on and off campus, interact with faculty and students
  9. Maintain a journal and develop a concept paper by the end of the summer describing areas of research interest identified
  1. Coursework between two tracks combined a in a final leveling effort with courses in applied data mining for ALA track and courses in Ag for AI track
  2. Seminar course to understand existing literature in the field of AI and ALA system
  3. Best practices in organizing research projects and planning literature review
  4. Development of research methods with qualitative and quantitative data
  5. Workshops in entrepreneurship (NMSU Arrowhead Business Incubator)
  6. Learn evidence-based practices (peer-led team learning)
  7. Summer Experience - Research Lab 5-week internship. Selected lab will be aligned with research focus the scholar intends to pursue in dissertation
  8. Conversations between the scholar and three assigned mentors. Students will conduct multiple iterations of the development of dissertation proposals